Karel Capek

jeudi, septembre 17, 2009

Some Psy/ Acid /HardTrance tracks

Atomic Magdan & Juri Gagarin by Sputnik23-RUR

Stuck during a lysergic night on the same wall than the Dead Fox...

Atomic Robot Man by RUR

3 x Gagarin by RUR, stuck by MKZ

Neue Deutsche Welle

Some of my favorite NDW artists:

Dead Fox by Spencer & VeGeTag (Bxl)

Maison de la Culture, Saint-Etienne, France

French Cold Wave

Some of my favorite french cold wave artists:

Listen to the BIPPP Compilation

Animate Clay Dustshop Records ja tvoi sluga ja tvoi robotnik Electrobel Atatak Label Der Plan Homepage Pneu Sonic Squirrel Ekosystem Laibach Stencil Archive Boups La Secte Underground Resistance Streetart karl Bartos Homepage NSK Nanoloop Music Generator Kraftwerk Andreas Dorau Robots will kill Cybotron Space Invaders ASPCR Front 242 Official Website Front 242 Oofficial Website Stencils.be C 64 Music Stencils Radio Campus Hakim Bey Hakim Bey Hakim Bey ges/TD-logo-2.jpg" alt="" /> Epsylonn Hakim Bey Hakim Bey